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About Us

29 Branded Beef was started by our family with the intention of being able to provide high-quality beef from our Oregon ranch directly to the consumer, allowing them to know exactly where their beef comes from while allowing us to tend to our cattle throughout their entire life.

Our cattle are all Oregon bred, born, raised and processed. They spend a majority of their time grazing natural, native grasses across the state and are considered naturally raised, as the cattle are mRNA, hormone and steroid-free. Our operation is BQA (Beef Quality Assurance) Certified.  

It has been proven that 29% of all lands in the United States are too rocky, too steep, or too arid to support growing any other food crops and are only considered rangeland. Cattle are able to graze these unusable lands and convert the vegetation into protein. How's that for environmentally friendly!? 

All beef, whether grass-fed or grain-fed, is an excellent source of 10 essential vitamins and minerals including iron, choline, zinc, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, protein, riboflavin, niacin, selenium and phosphorus. In general, beef is a high-quality source of protein, essential vitamins and minerals without a long list of ingredients - just Beef! 

At 29 Branded Beef, we are proud to offer our beef by the individual cuts allowing our customers to only buy what they need. We know that not everyone has the freezer space or the financial ability to buy beef in bulk and we are excited to offer our customers the same quality, natural, fresh beef in smaller amounts. Our beef is aged for 10-14 days and processed at USDA-Certified Processing Facility in Elgin, Oregon. 

We offer shipping on our beef directly to your front door. We only ship our beef on Tuesdays using UPS 2-day or overnight to assure that it gets to your door and not stuck over the weekend in a shipping facility. We also offer local drop-offs and deliveries to any Farmers Market that we are scheduled to attend or meet-ups throughout the region of the Columbia River Gorge. Pick-ups from the Ranch are always free! 

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